Moslem wedding procession in Lombok is the only one of the religious weddings, which is already legal and accepted by Government. Moslem wedding ceremony conducted by Moslem Minister called “Penghulu”. After the ceremony the couple will received Moslem marriage certificate from the Moslem officer called ” Buku Nikah ” that issued by Moslem Courts called ” KUA” (Kantor Urusan Agama) which is already legalized by the government and this certificate will be legal in Indonesia and in other country too. Some wedding couple translates their book of marriage to the couple’s language at their representative Consulate within Indonesia.And Moslem wedding in Lombok can only be implemented if the bride is Moslem Indonesian citizen or one of them. If the bride and groom foreigners to refer the letter from the local office of the state religious affairs such as (KUA in Indonesia) that the person concerned is allowed to marry at KUA office in Lombok Indonesia
Prices USD 1.650++
Package inclusive of:
- Detailed explanation of all aspects of wedding procession with questions / comments via email or telephone
- Detailed plan of wedding procession
- Office of Minister of religion (KUA) for wedding venue with simple decoration
- Penghulu/ Moslem’s minister of religion
- Converting religion ceremony and certificate of converting religion
- Book of marriage from KUA
- Local Government fees
- Document processing to KUA and Government office
- Handling of all documentation required to validate KUA
- Full Wedding coordinator assistant and service:
- Arrival meeting service with Lombok Wedding Planner to answer questions and familiarize with schedule and liturgy.
- Meeting at Consulate in Bali and government office (if required),
- Wedding day presence to ensure smooth procession and handle guests
- Ceremony perform in English
- Photograph during ceremony ONLY file edit & master by DVD/ flash Disk
Consulate fee, meal, decoration and accommodation are excluded
Terms & Conditions :
- The above price are excluding Embassy letter CNI ( Certficate of No Impediment ), Venue/Accommodation (Hotel,Villa, etc ), Decoration ( Ceremony and Reception ), Food & Beverages, Sound system, etc and subject 21% Tax & Services Charges
- Copy of passport (both partners)
- Copy of birth certificate (both partners)
- Copy of decree absolute if divorce
- Widower must present a copy of death certificate of the former spouse.
- Copy of passport of the two witnesses
- Copy of passport of the two Wali ( guardian )
- 4 Pieces of photograph size 4 x 6 together, the groom in the right side
- Letter of introduction from the local village
- Statement Statement Unprecedented Married or still male / Virgin, stamped Rp. 6.000, – (usually the local environment to provide if no, can make your own) for Indonesian & CNI ( Certficate of No Impediment ) for expat
- N1, N2 and N4 village
- Parental consent letter (N5)
- N6 rural / urban (for widow / divorce die)
- ORIGINAL letter of introduction from the village (the result of step 2 above) + 1 photocopy each sheet
- Information candidates couples (husband / wife)
- Information father name potential partner
- Information complete residence address potential partner (same urban village sub district should know)
- “Copy of Birth Certificate / Diploma Last” as the basis for verification of personal data
- “ Surat Numpang Nikah Dari KUA Daerah ASAL” kind of “introduction” letter a.k.a SuratNumpang Nikah for asking permission to get married
FOR MORE INFO : Just text us on whatsapp +62.81337286437 email: Or